Olvy Feedback
17 January 2023

No matter whether you are a B2B SaaS or consumer-facing app, you’d always need to collect user feedback for multiple reasons like understanding user thoughts, and demands and if your development is going in the right direction.

Apart from these mentioned benefits - all the currently available solutions in the market have some issues, lack of dynamic dark mode support being one of them.

Knowing this, we aimed to make the smartest feedback widget that goes beyond feedback collection. We've added a lot of features to the widget since we last shared it with you.

Customizable to the core

We strongly believe that anything that goes on your website or app should match the design and shouldn’t look out of context.

Taking this belief forward, we decided to make one of the most visually customizable feedback widgets.

Here are the features that make it happen:

  1. Custom colors: Most feedback widgets out there have this offering, but one thing we do better is by providing you with a lot of options hence you can change the color of small things like border color, placeholder color, and many more things.

  2. Custom CSS: Even though our UI lets you customize your widget look a lot, some people would want even more, and to support this demand and creativity - we have the option to add custom CSS to make widgets look exactly the way you want them to.

  3. Dynamic dark mode: Automatically switch users to dark mode when they prefer the dark theme in your app.

Now supports Screenshots and Screen Recordings

This was one our most requested features on the widget, the ability to add screenshots and record their screens when sharing their feedback. Here is a complete video demo of the refreshed Olvy Feedback Widget.

That's all for this release. We've been cooking a lot of new things over here which we can't wait to share with you, so see you with the next release. Let us know what you think about it, and share your feedback right from the release note.

Also, we're now live on ProductHunt would appreciate if you can have a look and share your feedback. Our entire team is hanging out there for the day answering all questions.


