Olvy Integrations
16 March 2023

Before we make a release live for everyone, we first share it with our team and beta users for feedback. Previously we did that by sending direct messages to everyone on Slack.

But why do it twice?

Introducing user segmentation in Olvy.

What is user segmentation?

User segmentation is the process of dividing a user base into distinct groups based on common characteristics. This technique helps businesses and product teams better understand their users, tailor their messaging and experiences to different user groups, and ultimately improve user engagement and retention.

How does it work?

With Olvy's user segmentation feature, you can easily create segments based on various user properties such as name, email, country, operating system, device, and more. These segments can be used to target specific user groups with product releases, and can also be used to filter feedback based on the characteristics of the users who provided it.

Let's come back to our example, we want to publish a release for only our team members, which shouldn't be visible or accessible to the public. In this example, since we want to segment people who work at Olvy we can use their email address to build a segmentation rule. Everybody to works at Olvy will have their email end with which we can use to build our segment.

To do it, let's go to segments in the Users page, and click on Create Segment. You will be taken to the Segment builder, which will look like this.

Once you create a segment you can link it to any changelog update you publish, and all your users are automatically linked to the segment.

You can also filter your feedback based on the segments you have created, which means we can quickly filter all feedback shared by our team members.

Because they are based on rules, your users are automatically added or removed from segments based on the rules you define without you having to manually add or remove people.

You can also check out the detailed documentation here to learn about the different kinds of rules you can build. Also here is a video tutorial walking you through setting up a user segment and checking the releases for them.

That's all for this update. Let us know if you'd like to see something more in user segmentation, and what are the segments you will create for your users?

