Announcements Improvements
Olvy Dashboard
15 May 2023

We are excited to announce a new and improved keywords analysis feature that will help you prioritize feedback more effectively.

Previously, the feedback analysis tool only showed a word cloud of keywords. However, with our latest update, you can now view a list of keywords along with their corresponding sentiment scores, which indicate the percentage of negative, positive, or neutral feedback associated with each keyword.

We've also introduced keywords grouping, which groups together similar keywords such as synonyms, misspelled words, and different word forms. Hovering over a keyword will display its similar keywords, and applying a filter will suggest similar keywords to narrow down your search.

To make things even more user-friendly, we've included an initial display of the top 5 keywords, with an option to expand and view all keywords by clicking "show more"

We hope this updated keywords analysis feature will provide you with better insights and a more streamlined feedback analysis process.
