Olvy Integrations
28 October 2022

Hope you are having a great week! We are very excited to share this update.

Olvy now allows you to change the language of system text on your change-log page and widgets. This is helpful if your target audience is primarily non-english speakers. Earlier, if you wrote your release notes in a language other than english, the system text (buttons, search, tooltips, etc.) was in English. This gave a disjointed experience to your end-user.

With this update you can now pick a language to translate the system text so everything on your changelog page appears in one language.

We currently support system text translation for 5 languages - English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish!

How does this work?

Let's take an example use-case: Say your users are mostly from Brazil πŸ‡§πŸ‡· and you write your releases in Portuguese, you can now pick Portuguese as the default language from settings. This will translate all the system text to Portuguese for you.

  1. Go to Dashboard -> Workspace settings -> Multi language

  2. Pick your default language

  3. Save.

You can also choose to enable system-text translations for your announcement widgets! Here's how:

  1. Go to Dashboard -> Announcement widgets -> Create new announcement widget / Open existing widget

  2. Open the Content panel, you'll see the switch to enable translations for system text on your widget.

  3. Enable / Disable it and either save draft or hit publish and changes will be reflected in your widget.

This is just the v1 of our multi-language support, more exciting changes are coming soon ✨

That's it for now, and keep your eyes out for the next update.

Till next time πŸ‘‹

