Olvy Integrations
16 December 2022

Olvy's Hubspot integration previously allowed you to track feedback on Olvy right from a contact's profile, and view all the feedback given by the user across all platforms on Hubspot. It helped sales teams keep track of user feedback they received, share it with the product team, and walk into calls with all context on the feedback.

The new update to the Hubspot integration, Olvy now brings in your the projected and won revenue from a contact and links to their profile on Olvy. Which means, it is now possible for product teams to sort, filters, and organise user feedback based on which feedback impacts the most revenue.

Why is it important? Prioritising feedback based on revenue has a direct impact on your business' bottom line. If you have a large deal in the pipeline, resolving the feedback from that customer will significantly improve the chances of them converting.

How it works...

We currently import the total revenue from all open deals in a contact, and total revenue from all won deals for a contact. Once you set up the Hubspot Integration in your Olvy workspace you can configure it and select a custom property you want to link a revenue number to.

Once you save the configuration the revenue numbers are automatically updated for all Hubspot contacts that have been imported to Olvy and you can use these custom properties to filter and sort your feedback and users.

Checkout the documentation for the Hubspot integration.

🐛 Bug Fixes and Improvements

  1. You can now change the order feedback by when it was created, modified or based on any custom property. You can also do that for users, issues, and releases.

  2. Previously we only supported select, multi-select, team members and users as data types for your custom properties. We've added Numbers to the list now.

  3. Fixed a bug where user roles were not displaying on the teams page.

  4. Fixed a bug where users on our enterprise plan ran into their feedback limits when they shouldn't have.

  5. Fixed a bug where the releases page showed the entire release note for a split second before truncating your release content if you had "read more" enabled on your releases page.

That's all for this week! Please reach out if you have any feedback for us or if there is something else you'd like to see us improve.

See you folks next week 👋

