Enhancements Improvements
Olvy Feedback
10 February 2023

The feedback feed is the place where all your user feedback finally lands, it is where you can read through and analyse all of it. The overall workflow of the feedback feed hasn't had a major change since we made Olvy available for everyone.

With this release we're making changes to feedback feed to give you a better sense of everything you're yet to pick up, everything you've resolved or fixed, and mark items as later for when you need them. This makes sure you have a easily scannable feed of everything your users are saying, and your analysis doesn't take into account feedback you've already shipped because that is not as relevant as the pain points your users have at this point in time.

When you land on the feedback you will find tabs at the top separating your feed into different sections. Open, In Issue, Resolved, Later, and All.


Every new feedback that gets added to your workspace is added to the Open section, think of this as your place for your triage. This is where you can tag and label feedback, create a new issue or link to an existing one, and mark it as resolved or for later if now is not the right time for this. Once you link the feedback to an issue, or mark it as resolved or later it is removed from the Open feed.

In Issue

The In Issue section is where you can find all the feedback that are currently linked to an issue grouped the status of the issue. This is where you can see what feedback is currently being worked on, and what is still in TODO.


The Resolved section is where you can find all the feedback that you've marked as resolved. Feedback that is linked to an issue automatically gets marked as Resolved when all its linked issues are marked as done.


Later is where you'll find feedback you've marked as later. Any feedback you've marked as later automatically moves to the in issue section when you create an issue for it or mark it as resolved.

All is where you will find everything, feedback you've just received, feedback you've marked as resolved, feedback you've marked as later, and feedback that is linked to an issue.

We hope this change will help streamline your workflow on Olvy and make it easier for you to keep track of everything your users are saying. If you have any questions or feedback, please share your feedback with us so we can make Olvy work better for your organisation 💯

