Olvy Feedback
9 December 2022

Olvy is used by a bunch of businesses which have customers all across the globe, or operate in a geography where their users prefer a language other than English. Until now our systems couldn't analyse feedback that was not in English. That's not true anymore.

We've been working on adding support for analysis on non-english feedback and we're excited to announce the feature is now in beta with opt-in access. It works completely in the background, once the feature is enabled for your account Olvy will automatically detect feedback which is not in English and translate it so you can understand what your user is trying to say and also analyse it for you.

If you'd like to enable the feature for your account reach out to us on [email protected] or via any of our social channels and we'll help you get started.

Alongside the above, we've also made a few small improvements and bug fixes in the product -

  1. Fixed a bug where in the feedback feed, the tags filter was not showing all tags and search didn't work as expected.

  2. Fixed a bug where updates to some specific releases were not going through

  3. You can now use the Cmd+K shortcut in the release notes editor to convert any selected text into a hyperlink.

  4. There's now an option to generate all missing translations for a release note when you go ahead and publish it. Which means all it takes is one click to translate your release into all the languages you have.

  5. Fixed a bug where navigating to an individual release note sometimes took you to the incorrect page from your releases page.

  6. Olvy now automatically also imports images attached to any slack message you push as a feedback

That's all for this week. We have a lot of new things in store for you for the rest of December and we can't wait to bring all those changes to you. See you all next week 👋


