Releases Page
6 April 2021

Until now we've supported two widget types, a modal, and a sidebar. We've always wanted more, like you have, and we've been listening. One widget that a lot of our users have asked for is an iframe embed.

So now it's a modal, a sidebar, and an embed. The embed can integrated the same way as the other widgets with user identification working the same way as before.

One small change in how to to use it would where you previously used a button element as your target, you should now use a div, or another other element as the container as your releases will be embedded inside that element.

The embed takes the height and width of its parent container, so if you to set a size for it, just add a height and width to the target element.

That's it. You can generate the code for the embed widget from the Install Olvy tab.

Check out the Widget Demo here

🎁 Other Enhancements

  1. We've also fixed a bunch of things across the product. There was a bug with the custom javascript feature where some script embeds weren't working. It's fixed now.

  2. There was an issue with the sidebar on small screens where the options at the lower side weren't usage. We've fixed that.

  3. A very minor copy change in the release editor which instead of showing "Updated since last published" now shows "Saved x seconds ago" which we believe is more clear.

  4. The unread indicator on the widgets now is a little larger because turned out numbers weren't much readable in the small size.

  5. Your widget and releases page now loads even more faster 🚀
