Olvy Feedback
8 January 2021

Every organisation that is set up on Olvy gets its own subdomain on Olvy for its release notes. You specify what you want your subdomain to be when you create your organisation. Let's say you are setting up release notes for your wonderful company, ACME (I always think of Wile E. Coyote and The Road Runner whenever I hear this name) and you've set up your organisation with the alias acme. Your releases notes page was usually available at

Well, from today you don't have to have the Olvy name in your release notes page URL. If you're a paying subscriber you can add a custom domain to your Olvy release page. So your release notes, which were previously accessible on can now also be accessed using It's your releases, it should be your domain.

You can configure your custom domain by going to "Settings" in the sidebar and then going to the "Custom Domains" tab.

You can either map your releases page to a subdomain, like, or if you want to map your releases to a separate domain name like you can do that too by mapping using an A record.

You'll find instructions to set up your custom domain here. If you face any issues or have any questions feel free to email us at [email protected], or tweet us on @OlvyHQ, or use the feedback box below and share your feedback on Olvy.


