Enhancements Improvements
Olvy Feedback
19 January 2021

There are two things you can never have enough of, chocolate, and customizations. Complete customization is our end-goal at Olvy, it's your product, your releases page should look and feel like it's a part of it. However, we do realise it's something that can only be built in multiple iterations after listening to you and learning what you want to customize.

It's in that spirit, Olvy now gives you the power to customize your release notes page. You can easily upload your logo, a favicon, and personalize your description. You get an option to chose between displaying your logo or only the name of your organisation. You can add multiple navigation links on your release note page header to send your users throughout your product. If the ones given out of the box aren't enough, we also have Custom CSS support which you can use to override any and every style on your releases page.

You can comfortably manage all of the customizations in your organisation by going to the โ€œAppearance โ€œ tab in the sidebar. Also, remember what we said about iterations. Let us know what else you would like to customize on your release page by using the feedback box below.

